Candidates for European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) Board

The ETS Board is currently comprised of the following 11 members
Professor Mike Rowe( President).
Professor Antoine Maignan. (Vice President)
*Dr Harald Boettner (Secretary)
*Dr Eckhard Mueller
*Dr.Vladimir Semenyuk
*Dr Janusz Tobola
* Professor Anke Weidenkaff.
Dr Matteo Codecasa
Mr lennart Holmgren
Prof.Mikhail Fedorov
Prof. J G Vian

The five Board members asterisked retire at the 2011 Board meeting while the ECT 2011. Chairman will automatically joins the Board.

Nominations are sort for 6 Board members to bring the total membership to 13.

Retire ring Board members are eligible for re-election

Would prospective candidates please provide a short resume of their career (email address : to be pasted on the ECT 2011 web site.

A ballot for ETS Board membership will be conducted by Prof Anke Weidenkaff at ECT 2011.